If you are facing financial difficulties bankruptcy can provide a fresh start. It is possible to deal with even the most unmanageable debt problems. Bankruptcy provides several ways to deal with crushing debt loads and protect assets.
Bankruptcy can help you:
- Stop harassing phone calls from credit collectors
- Cancel credit card debt and personal loans
- Save your home from foreclosure
- Recover repossessed vehicles
- Stop wage garnishments
- Resolve tax liabilities.
- Cancel second and home equity line of credit mortgages
Bankruptcy provides several ways to deal with crushing debt load and protect assets. We can counsel you with your bankruptcy options that would best help you, including:
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 13
We have helped hundreds of clients get a fresh start. Don't wait any longer- save your home from foreclosure, eliminate that second mortgage, recover the repossessed car, cancel credit card debt, resolve tax debts, and stop harassing phone calls.
Schedule a bankruptcy consultation today to learn how bankruptcy can help you get a fresh start. For a consultation to start your financial recovery and get a fresh start call us at (619) 849 – 8849.